
Why Hiring a Virtual Executive Assistant is a Smart Business Decision

Are you a business leader feeling burdened by administrative tasks? Imagine what you could achieve if you could delegate those tasks to a skilled virtual executive assistant (EA). Not only does this free up your time, but it also represents a smart business decision with significant ROI. In this blog, we'll explore the opportunity cost and return on investment (ROI) of hiring a virtual EA, and how this decision can significantly impact your business growth and efficiency. 

Time Savings and Flexibility 

As a business leader, your time is valuable. By delegating administrative tasks to a virtual EA, you can focus on high-level strategic activities, such as business development, networking, and client relations, which directly impact revenue growth. Imagine spending more time with key clients and pursuing new business opportunities, knowing that your administrative needs are being managed in the background. Imagine getting up each morning and just going where your calendar tells you to go, without doing the scheduling. Trust me, you wouldn’t look back. 

Life feels busier now than ever. Time feels more important now than ever. Everything seems urgent, and there are never enough hours in the day. It's not just about work-life balance anymore; it's about flexibility. Hiring a virtual EA allows you to reclaim time, saving you from tasks that aren't in your wheelhouse and giving you the flexibility to do more of what you love. This leads to better productivity and decision-making capabilities, ultimately benefiting the business. 

Increased Efficiency 

A virtual EA can implement efficient processes and systems, leading to smoother operations and faster task completion. Most virtual EAs have worked across multiple businesses, so they know what works well. This efficiency can reduce delays and improve the overall workflow, ensuring that your business runs smoothly. 

With a virtual EA managing schedules and prioritising tasks, you can ensure that critical tasks are addressed promptly. This reduces the risk of missed opportunities and helps maintain a focus on what truly matters for business growth. 


One of the significant advantages of hiring a virtual EA is the elimination of overhead costs associated with an in-house employee. No need for physical office space, equipment, KiwiSaver, leave, or any other expenses. This reduction in overhead expenses can significantly improve your bottom line. 

Most Virtual EAs offer flexible packages and pricing models, allowing you to pay only for the time and services you need. This flexibility can be more cost-effective than a full-time salary and benefits package for an in-house assistant. You get experienced support without the recruitment hassle or long-term commitment. 

Improved Focus 

By delegating routine administrative tasks, you can focus on your core goals and areas where you add the most value, such as innovation, client engagement, and strategic planning. This delegation allows for more effective use of your time and resources. 

Reducing the mental workload of managing day-to-day administrative tasks allows you to think more creatively and make better strategic decisions. This mental clarity can lead to more innovative solutions and better business outcomes. Imagine the headspace if you didn’t have to think about rescheduling that missed meeting, preparing that client proposal, or sorting through your inbox full of emails... game changer. 

Opportunity for Business Growth 

A virtual EA provides scalable support, allowing businesses to easily increase or decrease the level of assistance based on current needs without the hassle of hiring or laying off staff. In most cases, they also have a short termination period, such as one month's written notice. This flexibility is crucial for adapting to changing business environments and reducing unnecessary risks and costs in your business. 

With more time and resources available, you can pursue new business opportunities, expand your services, and focus on activities that drive revenue growth. This targeted approach can lead to significant business expansion. 

Improved Client and Stakeholder Relations 

A virtual EA can manage communications, ensuring that clients and stakeholders receive timely and professional responses. This enhances the business’s reputation and client satisfaction, fostering long-term relationships. They become a reliable team member in your business. 

Virtual EAs can handle follow-ups and maintain regular contact with clients and stakeholders, helping to build stronger relationships. This consistent communication can lead to more business opportunities and improved client retention. 



Consider the opportunity cost of not hiring a virtual EA. Think about the time it takes to handle administrative, coordination, and documentation tasks yourself versus handing these to an experienced virtual EA. What hourly rate would you put on your time as a business leader? By hiring a virtual EA, you achieve greater efficiency, focus on strategic growth, drive your business towards greater success, and ultimately have more flexibility. 

A virtual EA is not an expense, but an investment in efficiency and growth. 

If you’re looking to hire a Virtual EA and you have any questions, please feel free to book a call with us. We would be happy to help.